The following list covers all publications produced by RMR Systems Limited consultants
since 1997. Within each section, the publications are listed in descending date order
(i.e. latest first).
Journal papers
Abstracts from scientific meetings
Books and magazine articles
Review articles and editorials
Dissertations and theses
Publication downloads
Selected publications are available for download from this page in Adobe Acrobat™
PDF format. You will need a copy of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system
in order to view these files. If you do not have a copy of Acrobat Reader, you can download
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Journal papers
Lapeer RJ, Shah SK, Rowland RS. ‘An optimised radial basis function algorithm for fast non-rigid registration of medical images’. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2010, 40(1), 1-7.
Dogramadzi S, Virk GS, Bell GD, Rowland RS. ‘Recording forces exerted on the bowel during colonoscopy: in vitro evaluation’. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2005 December 1(4): 89-97.
Renehan, Andrew G., Painter, John E., Bell, G. Duncan, Rowland, Roger S., O'Dwyer, Sarah T. & Shalet, Stephen M. ‘Determination of large bowel length and loop complexity in patients with acromegaly undergoing screening colonoscopy’. Clinical Endocrinology 62 (3) March 2005, 323-330.
M.S. Chen, R.J. Lapeer and R.S. Rowland. ‘Real-time rendering of Radially Distorted virtual scenes for Endoscopic Image Augmentation’. Proceedings of the 13th Annual MMVR (Medicine Meets Virtual Reality) Conference, January 26-29 2005, Long Beach, California. ISBN 1-58603-498-7, pp 87-89.
R.J. Lapeer, R.S. Rowland and Min Si Chen. ‘PC-based Volume Rendering for Medical Visualisation and Augmented Reality based Surgical Navigation’ Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV04), July 14-16 2004, London, England. IEEE/Computer Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-2177-0.
Y. Su, C.R. Allen, D. Geng, D. Burn, U. Brechany, G.D. Bell, R. Rowland. ‘3-D Motion System (“Data-Gloves”): Application for Parkinson’s Disease’ IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, June 2003, 52:3, 662-674.
Rowland RS, Bell GD, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3D imaging: is the technique sufficiently sensitive to detect differences between men and women?’ Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 1999, 37, 673-679.
Bell GD, Rowland RS, Rutter M, Abu-Sada M, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3D imaging: assessment of the routine use of a stiffening overtube to speed up the procedure’ Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 1999, 37, 605-611.
Rowland RS and Bell GD. ‘Non-radiological technique for 3D imaging of intestinal endoscopes: computerised graphical 3D representation of endoscope and skeleton.’ Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 1998, 36, 285-290.

Abstracts from scientific meetings
Shah SK, Rowland RS and Lapeer RJ. Fast non-rigid registration of medical image data for image guided surgery. In: Proceedings of the AMI-ARCS satellite workshop of MICCAI09, London, UK, 24th September 2009.
Rowland RS and Lapeer RJ. Fast non-rigid registration of medical images: comparing the thin-plate and biharmonic splines. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA2008) Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference, p246-250, 2008.
Heatley DJT, Rowland RS, Bell GD, Smith SL, Rae DM, Hegarty DL, Scott IHK. The networking capabilities of a laptop based 3D DICOM viewer to facilitate multisite MDTs. Gut 2005; (Suppl II) A76.
Hancock J, Nylander D, Painter J, Fowler L, Rowland R, Bell GD. Variable stiffness colonoscopes are a disadvantage in male patients irrespective of their body mass index. Gut 2005; (Suppl II) A75.
Hancock J, Nylander D, Fowler L, Rowland RS, Bell GD. Could capnography play any useful role in monitoring sedated patients on an endoscopy unit? Gut 2005; (Suppl II) A64.
Smith S, Rae D, Rowland RS, Lapeer R, Bell GD. Experience with a laptop based 3D DICOM reader at MDT meetings in a District General Hospital. Gut 2004; (Suppl III) A79.
Su Y, Geng D, Allen CR, Burn D, Bell GD, Rowland R. Three-Dimensional Motion System ("Data-Gloves"): Application for Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor. IEEE International Workshop on Virtual and Intelligent Measurement Systems. Budapest, Hungary, May 19-20, 2001. download
Bell GD, Hancock J, Robinson J, Crighton I, Corson J, Dogramadzi S, Allen C, Rowland RS. Colonoscopy in patients who have had a previous colonic resection (PCR)- is IV sedation necessary ? The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2001 Annual Meeting Harrogate: 25-27th June 2001.
Bell GD, Crighton I, Corson J, Burn K, Bladen JS, Dogramadzi S, Allen CR, Rowland RS, Atkin W. Flexible sigmoidoscopy in symptomatic patients- there are significant benefits to using a paediatric colonoscope in female patients. Gut 2001; (Suppl I) A97. download
Bell GD, Hancock J, Corson J, Crighton I, Burn K, Dogramadzi S, Rowland RS. Incidence and significance of a previous hysterectomy in women attending for endoscopic examination of lower GI symptoms. Gut 2001; (Suppl I) A53. download
Painter JE, Bell GD, Rowland RS, Renehan AG, Shalet SM, O'Dwyer ST. Patients with acromegaly have longer colons and are more difficult to colonoscope than normals. Gut 2001; (Suppl I) A99. download
Bell GD, Crighton I, Corson J, Burn K, Bladen JS, Dogramadzi S, Allen C, Rowland RS, Atkin WS. '"Fast Track" Flexible Sigmoidoscopy - A Prospective Clinical Trial Showing Significant Benefits To Using A Paediatric Colonoscope In Female Patients' Irish Journal of Medical Science, Jul-Sep 2000, 169:3 (Suppl I), 25.
Allen CR, Su Y, Bell GD, Rowland RS. 'Three-dimensional hand modelling using electromagnetic imaging for communication by sign language' RecPad2000, the 11th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Porto, Portugal, May 2000.
Painter J, Bell GD, Atkin WS, Rowland RS, O’Dwyer ST, Watson AJM. ‘Colorectal cancer screening: prospective trial comparing a thinner 100cm prototype endoscope with a standard 60cm flexible sigmoidoscope’ Gut 2000, 46 (Suppl II), A79. download
Bell GD, Hancock J, Painter J, Rowland RS, Nylander D, Dogramadzi S, Allen C, Bladen JS, Atkin WS. ‘Pain during flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy: when and why does it occur?’ Gut 2000, 46 (Suppl II), A30. download
Bell GD, Hancock J, Rowland RS, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Colonoscopy using a thin prototype 130cm endoscope in combination with a modified enteroscope stiffening overtube’ Gut 2000, 46 (Suppl II), A31. download
Dogramadzi S, Allen C, Bell GD, Rowland RS. ‘A method for continuous real-time measurement of the pressure exerted by the shaft of a colonoscope upon the bowel wall: an in vitro evaluation’ Gut 2000, 46 (Suppl II), A30. download
Bell GD, English J, Speirs C, Nylander D, Hancock J, Rowland RS. ‘Colonic mucosal concentrations of prednisolone following oral administration of a novel formulation of prednisolone metasulphobenzoate (Predocol)’ Gut 2000, 46 (Suppl II), A8. download
Dogramadzi S, Allen C, Bell GD, Rowland RS. ‘An electromagnetic imaging system for remote sign language communication’ IMTC/99 Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Venice, Italy, 1999, 3, 1443-1446.
Bell GD, Painter J, Atkin WS, Rowland RS, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Preliminary experience comparing two longer thinner prototype Olympus endoscopes with a standard 60cm flexible sigmoidoscope’ Gut 1999, 44 (Suppl 1), A22 download
Bell GD, Rowland RS, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3-D imaging - are there important differences between male and female patients?’ Gut 1999, 44 (Suppl 1), A142 download
Rowland RS, Bell GD, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Validation of a 3-D method of accurately measuring the insertion depth of different anatomical sections of the colon during flexible endoscopy’ Gut 1999, 44 (Suppl 1), A22 download
Bell GD, Rowland JB, Rowland RS, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Use of a low pressure 3cm diameter everting (toposcopic) catheter as an aid to intubating the difficult colon - a feasibility study using a plastic model’ Gut 1999, 44 (Suppl 1), A21 download
Bell GD, Rowland RS, Heatley DJT. ‘Inexpensive and readily available tele-endoscopy using a modified Pentium PC and a single ISDN2 telephone line’ Gut 1998, 42 (Suppl 1), A18.
Bell GD, Rowland RS, Rutter M, Dogramadzi S, Allen C, Swain P, Mosse CA, Mills T. ‘Routine use of a stiffening overtube during colonoscopy - would it shorten the procedure?’ Gut 1998, 42 (Suppl 1), A18.
Rowland RS, Bell GD, Dogramadzi S, Allen C. ‘Non-radiological technique for 3-D imaging of endoscopes 2. A new improved method of computerised graphical representation and analysis’ Gut 1998, 42 (Suppl 1), A56.

Books and magazine articles
"C# Class Design Handbook: Coding Effective Classes" - (reprint) Conway, Duynstee, Hyrman, Rowland & Speer. APress - September 2003. ISBN 1-59059-257-3.
"C# Class Design Handbook" - Conway, Duynstee, Hyrman, Rowland & Speer. Wrox Press - February 2003. ISBN 1-86100-828-7.
"Protecting Your Code - Reflection, Obfuscation and Encryption - Part 2" - Dynamic decryption of a .NET assembly and in-depth look at obfuscators. C# Today 5th August 2002.
"Protecting Your Code - Reflection, Obfuscation and Encryption - Part 1" - The development of a C# decompiler. C# Today 5th August 2002.
"Generating Design Patterns Using CodeDOM" - Generating C# or VB.NET code using a wizard. C# Today 22nd July 2002.
"An Open Invocation" - Using OpenGL from a .NET C# project. C# Today 17th June 2002.
"A Two-faced Interface" - Using Windows XP visual styles from C#. Visual Systems Journal, June 2002.

Review articles and editorials
Bell GD, Rowland RS. ‘Colonoscopy beyond 2000 – the way ahead’ International Journal of Gastroenterology 1999, 4(3), 19-21.
Bell GD, Heatley DJT, Rowland RS. ‘Tele-endoscopy need no longer be prohibitively expensive’ Current Medical Literature - Gastroenterology. Royal Society of Medicine 1998, 17(3), 63-67.

Dissertations and theses
Rowland RS. 'Fast Registration of Medical Imaging Data Using Optimised Radial Basis Functions'. PhD thesis, June 2007 download
Rowland RS. 'Using Magnetic Positional Sensors to Assist in the Recognition of Human Gestures from Visual Imagery'. MPhil Report, July 2001 download
Rowland RS. 'The Development of a 3D Imaging and Analysis Application for Medical Endoscopes'. MSc dissertation, August 1999 download
